While you’re running the tab switcher, you can now even view the tab you’ll be switching to!.0, Tab switcher will default to Most-Recently Used (MRU) order.

You can configure Belling with the profile setting bellStyle (audible/none, enum).Terminal support for BEL sequence is available.backgroundImage now supports desktopWallpaper, which will make Terminal use your desktop wallpaper.The scrollUp and scrollDown actions have learned about rowsToScroll.It accomplishes approximately what it says. openTabRenamer action is now onward available.(you can now launch directly to focus/max focus mode with wt -f and wt -Mf. wt -F continues to indicate a request for “fullscreen” mode).The launchMode has been taught about focus and maximizedFocus, which will let you start up in focus mode.You are able to zoom a split pane to be the only pane visible in its tab using the togglePaneZoom action.This setting supersedes (but does not invalidate) useTabSwitcher (boolean).inOrder – in-order order (the order that the tabs at the uppermost of the window are already in).mru – most-recently used (MRU) order ( default).A new global setting, tabSwitcherMode is available that supports the following enumerated values –.The tab switcher is more flexible – It lets use Most-Recently Used (MRU) order, in tabstrip order, or not at all.This version will detect URLs (of a certain limited vocabulary) and allow you to launch them by pressing Ctrl and clicking.